‘Universitat refugi’: a documentary on the task by the UB and the Barcelona City Council to ease refugees’ access to higher education

The documentary focuses on the flagship project of the UB Support program for refugees: the Transition course to university, co-financed by the University and the Barcelona City Council. The Paranimph of the Historical Building of the UB held, on Monday, the event “Barcelona, refuge city and university”, organized by the…


Representatives from Middle East universities held at the UB the 7th partnership meeting of RESCUE

Members of universities from Jordan, Lebanon and Iraqi Kurdistan have met to assess the activities carried out within the frame of this refugee education support project. A delegation of 21 presidents, vice-presidents, vice-rectors, deans and other members of universities from Jordan, Lebanon and Iraqi Kurdistan have met, on September 26…


Autumn of the University of Barcelona is synonymous with solidarity

In different spaces of the university, UB Solidarity organizes activities aimed at promoting and defending human rights, democratic memory and the culture of peace. Approaching the university community and the general public to situations of exclusion, inequality and injustice present in the world is the objective of the Solidary Autumn…
