‘Universitat refugi’: a documentary on the task by the UB and the Barcelona City Council to ease refugees’ access to higher education

The documentary focuses on the flagship project of the UB Support program for refugees: the Transition course to university, co-financed by the University and the Barcelona City Council. The Paranimph of the Historical Building of the UB held, on Monday, the event “Barcelona, refuge city and university”, organized by the…


European organizations meet at the Jean Monnet House to discuss the challenges of European memory policies

Eight workshops will allow participants to examine topics like how to involve young people and less active citizens, cooperate at the international level, communicate and make results sustainable. The Jean Monnet House (European Parliament), the European Observatory on Memories (EUROM) of the University of Barcelona and the European Commission, in…


The EdiCitNet project plans an open session in Girona to tackle the transition towards the Edible Cities of the future

During the seminar, which will take place on October 25, experts from all over the world will debate nature-based solutions for building sustainable and socially resilient food producing cities. FREE REGISTRATION Representatives from H2020 Nature-Based Solutions projects, local food-related initiatives and experts from all over the world will be sharing…
