The UB Solidarity Foundation will share its knowledge in water resources management with six universities in Southeast Asia

It will be part of the Inow Asia project, whose main objective is to contribute to the postgraduate training of universities in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam in the field of water. The Solidarity Foundation of the University of Barcelona (UB) takes part in the project Inow Asia: Development of Innovative…


The 7th edition of the urban garden maintenance course for homeless people is underway

The training, recognized as a university extension diploma by the University of Barcelona, ​​aims to be a tool for motivation and training for the socio-labour insertion of these people. On September 22, 2020, the seventh edition of the pre-labour course Technician in the maintenance of urban gardens, composting centers and…


‘Universitat refugi’: a documentary on the task by the UB and the Barcelona City Council to ease refugees’ access to higher education

The documentary focuses on the flagship project of the UB Support program for refugees: the Transition course to university, co-financed by the University and the Barcelona City Council. The Paranimph of the Historical Building of the UB held, on Monday, the event “Barcelona, refuge city and university”, organized by the…
