
Selection of translated news. All the news, in Catalan, is available here.
SOLLAGUA publishes a ‘Portfolio of different treatment schemes for water reuse’ - The study has been systematized by Dr. Antonina Torrens, coordinator of the Nature-based solutions for sustainable development program of the Solidarity Foundation of the University…
The SOLLAGUA project holds its third consortium meeting in Badajoz - The initiative, of which the UB Solidarity Foundation is a partner, looks into nature-based solutions (NBS) for water reuse in rural areas of the SUDOE…
Barcelona Zoo implements innovative nature-based water reuse systems - It does so within the framework of the LIFE4Zoo project, financed by the European Commission, which designs sustainable water management practices adaptable to zoos and…
Water, food security and NbS: the heart of the Mediterranean Observatory of Climate Change (OMCC) - The inaugural conference of the OMCC at the University of Carthage (Tunisia) has brought together higher education and research institutions, NGOs and public administrations to…