Ukraine: New scenario, same challenges

Forced displacement and host actions in the 21st century

Exhibition with photographs by Raül Clemente Molina. Published by the UB Solidarity Foundation, in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council.

Below the exhibition, you can see the dates on which it will travel through different spaces of the University of Barcelona.

Ucraïna: Nou escenari, mateixos reptes. Desplaçaments forçats i acollida al segle XXI

The exhibition will travel through at least seven faculties and campuses of the University of Barcelona, according to the following calendar:

HISTORYFrom the 19th to the 26th of AprilLobby 3rd floor
MUNDETFrom April 27 to May 6Library entrance
LAWFrom the 9th to the 13th of MayDiagonal lobby
ECONOMY AND BUSINESSFrom the 16th to the 20th of MayIn front of the cafeteria
BIOLOGYFrom the 23rd to the 27th of MayHall of the Margalef Building
BELLVITGEFrom May 30 to June 3Hallways of the Aular Building
MEDICINEFrom the 7th to the 14th of JunePlace to determine